This tool creates a brand new booking for the customer.

When placing a booking you will receive a booking reference number which can be used to both track and manage the booking. It is important that you log this information when received. Additionally, when booking an instant job there is a 15 to 30 second delay before the job is sent to a driver when the fleet operator is using GPS Dispatch, which allows time for cancellation and/or testing before a driver gets receipt of the booking.

When processing an API booking the system ignores any default booking SMS/Email triggers. However, beyond the booking if SMS is set up for any other feature, for example, driver allocation, approaching location, cancellation, delays etc, these will still be sent to the customer. If you do not wish for these messages to be sent we suggest disabling these options with the fleet operator.

Via Points

Via Points must be provided in the following format for each array object.

textThis should contain the full via-point address text. Seek PICKUP_ADDRESS for formatting information.
latVia-point Latitude. Seek PICKUP_LAT for formatting information.
longVia-point Longitude. Seek PICKUP_LONG for formatting information.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!